~Spero ergo sum~™

September 20, 2006

Cleaning out my closet

Filed under: Misc — Teal @ 10:46 pm

Authors note~ this post has nothing to do with a certain white rapper or any of his tracks. This is jesht about me cleaning out my closet. 😀

I was actually cleaning out my closet a few days back, lest a python from the amazon rainforests impeccably hides itself amidst my shambled belongings and attack my junta 😛. Voila, all kinds of little itty bitty memories started pouring in from all over. And ya, I got caught in the spiral thingie called “Flashback”.

It turned out to be a really rib-tickling experience!

Remember the good old days of BSB and their arch rivals N’SYNC? LOL!

I happened to stumble upon a collection of extremely faded and fragile [to be read as papyrus from the pyramids] clippings of articles and pictures of boybands. Yeah yeah I was a big time BSB fan! I crooned to “I’ll never break your heart”. I jived to “Backstreet’s Back” and I even ended up singing “As long as you love me” for my 10th grade farewell. My then hand-made slam had truckloads of BSB printouts pasted all over.

I found myself laughing like a maniac when I looked at the 5 of them, who looked back at me from the walls of my room. Yes, I even have a poster of theirs. It was a gift.

[Fyi, I still like the BSB I lottt … of course not with the same magnitude as before.. so all u N’Sync fans can jesht go to hell! 😛 ]

Remember those days of childhood, when we ran like we were attacked by cheetahs during P.T classes? Those days of hide and seek, climbing trees, getting bruised big time around the knees and elbows? Speaking of which, why do people stare when we play on the swings? What is the big deal with that???

Those days of rushing home to watch Panda Club in DD2… super human samurai! J Remember getting all choked up when jack dies and rose lets him go, and he disappears downward ever so slowly to the ocean bed? Remember Famous 5, Faraway Tree, Five Findouters, et al.? Remembering loving English classes, enacting plays, making tools for history projects.

I loved Blyton and still do.

Remembering all those silly cat fights and wondering if those gals who lost to me in those would even remember them. Or laugh at them and enjoyed the subtle comedy interweaved in every little one of those squabbles, like I did. Pairing up girls and boys and giggling stupidly, much to the embarrassment of the two being paired. I am sure all of us have been on both sides of this game. 😉

Remembering all those sentimental promises of being together forever … [Darrty peepal, I am still talking only about friendship!!!]. You know the whole “We were friends then, we are friends now and we will be friends together” drill, which never seems to go stale, because we used it again when college got over … well don’t expect me to get all senti and Mustafa-ish about it. Because I was exhilarated at the thought of graduation.

Remembering the days when we played “Another brick in the wall” full blasht in our tape recorders … singing word to word … reaching out for your badminton racket and imagining to playing that beauty of the climactic piece of guitar glory on it …. Which made me realize one thing. The cassette is obsolete :-O

We ladies and gentlemen have lived through the lifetime of the cassette and the compact disc. And are now embarking on the wonder of the DVD. Hmmm ….

Let me just safely surmise and wind up by saying that amidst all these miniscule happy memories from my childhood days, I feel .. old. =(

“Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.

We’d sing and dance, forever and a day ….

We’d live the life we choose, we’d fight and never lose….

Oh we were young, and free to go our way …”

Guess every little girl has to grow up sometime.

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