~Spero ergo sum~™

February 17, 2008

Something rather unique

Filed under: Uncategorized — Teal @ 5:49 pm

Somewhere in some nook and corner of my brain, my creative faculty has either caked up or melted and oozed out through my ears while I was sleeping. I have been trying to put something funny in here, reallllyyyyyyyyyyyy  but I really cant find the time or the patience to do! [not to mention lack of ideas]

My ever changing work timings make it virtually impossible for me to ever make a schedule I can stick to, not that i have ever stuck to one at all in my entire life. A lot of crazy things have been happening around me. More or less on the like of gujarati namkeen.

Have u tasted gujarati namkeen?

It will have a assattu-pissutu taste of spice, salt and sweetness all at one time.

Hmmm . . .

Anyways I met 2 researchers last evening who happened to be doing a project on researching the roots and customs of one sect of the Iyers, called the “vaathimaas”. [Non tam-bhram junta, may blink, but sorry about that] It was intresting to converse with these folks, although I did not have much to contribute material wise. Every one around there seemed to have known my grand dad though. He passed away on jan 22 this year, and condelences still continue to pour in.

Anyways 😦

Looking forward to the performance of U2 in India [If at all they are coming here]. Ppl with any information on the date and venue of the concert can mail me the same 😀

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