~Spero ergo sum~™

October 18, 2006

Life post idleness

Filed under: Sobriety — Teal @ 12:08 am

They say “an idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. Which is so damn true. Take it from a person whose sole occupation was that of a vetti officer from mid May to mid September. I had all the time in the world, 4 long months to do what all I wanted. But due to circumstances and many other twists of fate[both bad and good, but mostly bad] I could barely accomplish what I had planned.

Most my friends who were placed on campus went for thier last vacation before starting work. And that, they say is the most special of all, to mark the end of one phase of life and begin another one by just chilling. I , unfortunately never got to “chill” per se. I could’ve been callous about the whole concept of unemployment, but somehow I never was. I could’ve gone for a vacation in the past 4 months and had a blast! But the anger about missing out on an off-campus drive would’ve lingered till the time I landed a job. Which I ultimately did.
Vijayadashami had passed us by just a while ago and I had plans to go for classes which again is yet to materialise. =(

Ultimately, the whole pursuit of seeking a job is a struggle. And once you start working, tempus will definitely fugit. [OF course there are many of my friends who are as vetti as ever, but i refrain from revealing their identities. Now “u” guys must be able to sleep soundly :P]
But there is one thing that I have noticed post idleness. Life takes a turn for good. And when you start something new, you tend to get soo absorbed in it that people actually claim that they donot have time for their friends and other pursuits.

I for one believe that it is far from being true. People at the end of the day, do matter a lot. I would not say “neglect your job”, but I am quite sure that everyone has these few friends they wouldnt forsake for the world. I have many friends. But those who are closest to me are the most important, and I make it a point to keep in touch with them, even in the most busiest of times.

There is another revelation that I have experienced~

  • Driving upto your favourite restaurant anytime in the evening and ordering for your favourite dish…
  • Making extempore plans with friends for meeting up and hanging out[Ultimately those are the kind of “plans” that actually click for me. I was NEVER Miss.TimeTable B-) ]
  • Taking a lazy stroll on the shores of Marina and watch the sun go down….
  • Shopping in mylapore with a melting softy in your hand…
  • Visiting temple on friday evenings …

These were somethings that I did on a regular basis, to survive the job seeking phase. Ultimately, once you start working, you will come to find that all the tension and anxiety that one had gone through would seem unnessecary and unwarranted. But the human heart is so deceitful and wicked. It only tends to draw attention to what we yearn for soooo badly, which is ultimately what we dont have at that moment. So most people are seldom happy with their lives but they really donot realise what they are losing out on.

We should experiment, innovate and live every moment of our lives to the fullest.

Kya pata, kal ho na ho?

LOL .. looks like I am raving and ranting. I hope I do get the time to post often, I really do.

PS: T.E.A.L.S.P.A.C.E turns one year old coming November 9th.

October 11, 2006

Expect the unexpected!

Filed under: Humour — Teal @ 7:34 pm

And so the inevitable happens …
After a hell-a-lot of standing in infinite or near infinite queues, Murphy got big time bored with toying my life and put my miseries/his pleasures aside. Yuppers blogjunta, Teal pass ho gayi!
After a struggle for months I finally landed in a good job.

It was a very pleasant saturday, not to mention the most important and unforgettable day of my life.

**Scene is set in an office complex, where me and my other buddies from college come to find about 700 odd college passout junta waiting for us >:) **

Me: Hey you guys, what plans post apti?
Frd #1: Me kinda broke da, probably head home and take a nap.
Frd #2: Movie and chaat combo seems a little appealing …

The crowd suddenly starts to rush in a singular direction in a stampede style frenzy .
We continue to sit in our chairs , hell they will be back soon … and soon enough, the crowd comes back. Turns out, there were 2 suit-clad gentlemen who were nearly choked to death by the masses since they were terribly misunderstood to be the HR.
Which ultimately , they werent.
The 2 very gruff [not to mention extremely harrassed] gentlemen leave the premises ASAP.

Me: Hey look , looks like the crowd is queuing up ….

The crowd, for a change moves in a “somewhat” civilised fashion. In vain attempts to form a singular queue, the anxious lot end up standing in 3 – 4 queues. So you could imagine the crass cacophony and pleasant exchanges among the ppl in the queue. Luckily for me, my buddies were more than happy to “append” ourselves to the job-seeker’s queue. How I wished the job-seeking scenario was as exciting as Quidditch, but it aint. =(
I took my friend’s MP3 fone and was listening to NewYork Nagaramm from S.O.K, which is the song that I am currently addicted to.

I could only feel sad for the company executives who had apparently underestimitated the might [not to mention the numbers] of the unemployed … they somehow managed to pull all strings together and me and my buddies were given our seats.

The Fiasco from the frenzied crowd was over. And so we sat in the company cafeteria to give our test.

**After 2 hrs of tearing our hair out … ~x(**

We buddies exchanged glances, and ended up laughing in sychronisation. Not the happy laughter like in the movies, but laughing at the irony that had puppeteered our lives.

Me: Hey dude, pass me that tissue …
Frd #1 passes me the tissue paper, i end up writing the lyrics of my favourite ,when the results get announced.

My name gets read out.
I blink. HEy.. he made a mistake right.
The second time, he reads out my full name. Now this couldnt be a mistake right?? Or wait .. let me pinch myself …

Frd 1 and 2 shake me out of my daze.
“Go dumbo .. they are calling you ….”

Aaargh great …

And so I went. Waited for about 3 hours for my turn of interview, which ultimately happened in the evening. So I waited on in an empty stomach. And since I didnt come prepared for an interview, I prepped for it outside the interview with a geek who had come armed with a mini UG Library. Serendipity? I think so.

1 hr of drilling on what all and what not I studied in my UG .. my interview finally happened the evening. Many were made to take 2 rounds of technical, [probably on a installment basis] and me on the other hand, got the full blasht of it in one shot.

I was called back in.

**Oh Gawd!!! Not another tech interview, I thought … serves me right to come on an empty stomach**

Interviewer #1: blah blah blah ….
Me: blah blah blah ….
Interviewer #2: blah blah blah ….
Me: blah blah blah ….

Interviewer #1: Will you be willing to sign a 3 yr bond? >:)

Me :

Interviewer #2: Will you be willing to sign a 10 yr bond? 😛

Me : Well, that wouldnt be a bond, that would be bondage!!

Interviewer #1 and #2: ROFL …

Me: ?????

And so sometime at night , on the very same day, Trinity Teal got her first job. 😀
But there are many friends of mine out there who are yet to vex Murphy and are still helpless at his hands.
Murphy , hear me! Let them go =(

So ultimately, after getting countless aaps at off-campus drives , I have got the ultimate gyaan, which I shall disperse to you all right now~

Placement Law #1: If it is your day to get the job, you will get it come wat may. Even if erupting volcanoes and typhooons stand in your way.

Placement Law #2: Luck is a random variable in the equation of life. IT comes and goes as it wishes.

Placement Law #3: Sometimes, even the most disgusting vermin get through and the smart ones dont.

Placement Law #4: That is because the smart ones are made to wait for better jobs 😀

For all my peers out there, who are yet to clinch your dream jobs, I pray for you all. And I am very sure your job hunts will come to a happy ending.

“Every story has a happy ending. If it is not happy, be sure that it is not the end”.

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